Viledon H1015
H1015 is a thermally bonded polyester nonwoven fabric. Due to its fleece-like consistency, H1015 easily absorbs insulating paints and resins.
H1015 is a thermally bonded polyester nonwoven fabric. Due to its fleece-like consistency, H1015 easily absorbs insulating paints and resins.
dr Dietrich Mueller GmbH | December 16, 2019 The term PEEK refers to plastics with excellent thermoplastic properties that are used in medical technology, e.g.... read more
What are tapes and what are tapes used for? Adhesive tapes are a combination of a material and an adhesive film and are used to... read more
The potential for using heat-resistant plastics in high-tech applications is enormous and has not been tapped until now. Despite their availability, plastics are often used in applications... read more
Thermal pastes play a crucial role in the efficiency and longevity of electronic and mechanical applications. In order to meet the high quality standards of our... read more
The 21.01.2020st Virtual Coil Show took place on January 1st, XNUMX. the dr Dietrich Müller GmbH from Ahlhorn took part in today's... read more
It is impossible to imagine the world of lighting without LED technology, because it offers so many convincing advantages that nobody... read more
Electric drives, one of the most important future technologies, were the focus of a conference that took place from September 27th to 30th at the Friedrich-Alexander-University... read more
Our delivery program includes sliding adhesive tapes that have excellent abrasion and media resistance and, if required, are available in different... read more
Ahlhorn | 24.02.2021/194/XNUMX Mechanical engineering in general With a turnover of around €XNUMX billion, mechanical and plant engineering is the second-best-selling sector after the... read more
In 3D printing, material is applied layer by layer under computer control, resulting in three-dimensional structures or objects. The material can vary depending on... read more